David Jordan Award Winners
For ten years, from 1999 through 2008, David Jordan ran every single race in the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Series. He is the embodiment of dedication and determination and proof that "the race is not always for the swift". The David Jordan Award is presented to all Grand Prix participants who successfully complete every event in the series (a total of 10 events in 2019).
2019 David Jordan Award Winners
Nathan Adams
Maria Alvarez
Rena Andrews
Joe Anziano
Margaret Beal
Linda Bode Phinney
Janice Boyd
Jadene Burgess
Renee Campbell
Andrew Chang
Robert Domaoal
Rebecca Dugger
Christopher Dugger
Jordan Eison
Chris Fuga
Allison Galassie
Marquell Gilles
Carol Gsell
Toni Guest
Stephanie Harp
Claire Hartigan
LaTashia Hill
Heidi Holzknecht
Merilee Hufnagel
Harold Hunsaker
Kelley Jensen
Cate Kelly
Brian Kelly
Elise Kelly
Ava Kelly
Virginia Ketchum
Anthony-Lynn Kirkland
Laura Lee
David Lee
Bryan Lewis
Carole Limonciello
Brent Lineberry
Georgia Logan
Jon Ludwig
Collin Lynch
Christie Martin
Andrea McCarter
Frank McDonald
Timothy McLaughlin
Nick Meyer
Cindy Meyer
Jonathan Mickle
Trenice Mullis-Dubow
Dung Nguyen
Kathy Nguyen
Phillip Ozell
Javier Parra
Mark Reilly
Bob Ruprecht
Marylyn Sabol
Brian Sanchez
Gloria Sanchez
Elspeth Sawyer
Paula Sawyer
James Schoen
Tomina Schwenke
Hector Severeyn
Randall Shreiner
Joey Sirmons
Christopher Stone
James Summer Jr
Jason Timms
Lifaver Trujillo
John Wallace
Bob Wells
Kiel Wilson
Thomas Zavieh