June 3, 2019 -- ATLANTA - Running City USA will host the first official group run of Global Running Day at the stroke of midnight on June 5, 2019. Atlanta Track Club is inviting all runners and walkers to a free group run at its headquarters to kick off a 24-hour celebration of running and walking.
Atlanta Track Club will host two more runs at 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. to celebrate Global Running Day. For the sunrise run, the Club will partner with the Atlanta Beltline for a morning run and walk on the city's most popular outdoor fitness destination. A 12 p.m. run will be held back at the Club's headquarters and include the businesses in the Armour Yards community. Atlanta Track Club ambassadors will also be on the Beltline throughout the day providing water bottles to runners and walkers who pass by.
"At Atlanta Track Club, we celebrate running year-round," said Rich Kenah, Atlanta Track Club's Executive Director. "But we never pass up the opportunity to get a good group run together. So, we looking forward to the running party that is Global Running Day each year."
Midnight Run
Global Running Day kicks off as soon as the calendar flips to June 5. Runners and walkers are invited to Atlanta Track Club to spend up to 45 minutes of easy running or walking around the 1.3 mile Armour Yards loop just north of Midtown Atlanta. Atlanta Track Club will provide, water, Powerade and giveaways.
Sunrise Run
Atlanta Track Club will lead its second run/walk of the day in partnership with the Atlanta Beltline. The group will gather at the Beltline Visitor's Center at 6 a.m. to begin a run on the Eastside Trail. Complimentary bagels and coffee will be available after the run/walk.
Lunch Run
At noon, the Club invites all of its neighbors at Armour Yards, and the greater Atlanta running community, to get active on their lunch break with a run at Atlanta Track Club's office. The group will run loops around Armour Drive, meaning participants will be able to pick their distance as they break away from their desks at lunchtime. Good Measure Meals will be on hand providing complimentary snacks.
Powerade All-Metro Track & Field Banquet
The Club's celebration of running at all levels continues that evening, as it hosts the Powerade All-Metro Track & Field Banquet. The banquet, Atlanta Track Club's longest-running event, honors the top high school track & field athletes in the metro Atlanta area and fittingly coincides with Global Running Day each year.
Participate Online
Participants can be part of the event if they can't make the run by emailing [email protected] with pictures of themselves running in Atlanta Track Club gear across the city and around the world.
Participants can RSVP for any of the runs here.