ATLANTA – January 25, 2017 – Atlanta Track Club Intern Shana is taking up running and walking for the first time. In an attempt to get fit and lose weight, she has joined Atlanta Track Club’s
Spring 5K In-Training program and is participating in a 12-week meal plan with
Good Measure Meals. This is her weekly update on her training.Last week, I was in a funk. Due to a series of events, I ended the week with a
big blank space in my training long. So, this week I came back determined. I knew I could walk, but I also knew I could do more. I wanted to run. I wanted to come back stronger than ever. I dove back into training, feet first and at full speed. And while this week's workout reignited the fire, it also was a good reminder than I need to pace myself on this journey.
Best Workout: Last Wednesday's workout was one for the books. It was my first official training workout, as the snow/ice and other complications had not allowed me to be at a practice previously. Coach Amy TOLD me I was going to be in the interval group and I obliged. I joined the 12 x 1 minute run, 1 minute walk group because I just knew I was ready for such a task. Well after about the sixth interval, my body started yelling at me. However, one run lead in particular would NOT give up on me. She walked when I needed to walk. Wogged when I needed to wog. But most importantly, she once again reminded me that training is just that. One is learning how to reach a goal. You have to crawl before you can walk. Walk before you can wog. Wog before you can jog.......well. You get the picture.
Best Meal: I have heard all my life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and overall breakfast has been faring well. While I'm still not a complete fan of yogurt, no matter how fast I eat it or what I add to it, the pancakes and various breakfast breads from Good Measure Meals have been very pleasing!