ATLANTA – January 18, 2017 – Atlanta Track Club Intern Shana is taking up running and walking for the first time. In an attempt to get fit and lose weight, she has joined Atlanta Track Club’s
Spring 5K In-Training program and is participating in a 12-week meal plan with
Good Measure Meals. This week didn't go as planned for Shana as she experienced something to which every runner and walker can relate. Here's what she had to say:This week is about pressing the restart button. I wish I had a well thought out excuse, but then again excuses are just that…excuses. As I think back on the last 7 days and how I didn’t work out a single time or eat a completely portioned, well balanced meal I could literally SMH (shake my head) or just acknowledge it and focus on how to re-motivate myself. To be honest, life happened and I can’t make any promises that life will not happen again in the next few months that follow, but I can commit that when life does happen such as it did that I handle it better. When people are faced with stress, difficult situations, and obstacles that are hard to handle, healthy eating and working out may be the last on their mind. Forgetting to eat or catching a meal when time permits itself seems like the best option when really eating key nutrients is what your body needs for the strength to endure and working out may just be one of the greatest stress relievers around. So to all the blank pages, skipped meals, ignored workouts, and beating yourself up for doing all of the above, acknowledge you had a moment but also challenge yourself to recommit and come back even better and more committed than before because in the end this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.