2023 Run With Maud 5K Run/Walk

The Run with Maud 5K Run/Walk will celebrate the life of Ahmaud Arbery while raising funds for the Ahmaud Arbery Foundation which supports mental health resources for black boys. Maud was murdered while he was running in Brunswick, Georgia on February 23, 2020. He would have turned 29 on May 8.
About the Team Option
- During registration you have the option to create a team or join a preexisting team.
- Atlanta Track Club is not in charge of creating any of these teams. This is simply an option for you to coordinate (on your own) with other individuals you'd like to participate with on race day.
- If you've already registered and have not already created or joined a team, you can reach out to questions@atlantatrackclub.org for us to create one for you or add you to one.
May 6, 8:00 a.m.
Centennial Olympic Park (265 Park Ave W NW, Atlanta, GA 30313)
- 5K
- $35.00 for the in-person event
- $40.00 for the virtual event
- Optional "Run with Maud" Commemorative shirt available for an additional $20.00
- All proceeds to benefit The Ahmaud Arbery Foundation
6:30 a.m.
Number Pick-Up
8:00 a.m.
5K Start
8:15 a.m.
Start Line Closes
10:00 a.m.
Course Closes
4:45 p.m.
adidas Running City Mile
6:05 p.m.
adidas Atlanta City Games
Registration is available on site at Centennial Olympic Park on race morning.
- Cost: $35
Atlanta Track Club and The Ahmaud Arbery Foundation intend to hold the Run with Maud 5K Run/Walk as scheduled on May 6, 2023. If the format of the event moves to virtual ONLY or is cancelled all together, you will be given the option to receive a full refund (less processing fees from registration vendor). If, due to COVD-19, the location of the event has to be changed, refunds will not be provided, but you will be immediately notified via email and social media.
Unofficial results are available online the afternoon of the event. Results are made official approximately two weeks after the event, after all inquires have been processed.
Your timing device for this event is the Chronotrack single use B-tag. In order to receive an accurate time, please confirm your bib is:
- Clearly visible on the front of the torso
- Unaltered and unmodified (Do not fold or wrinkle)
- Pinned in all four corners
- Not covered (jackets, fuel belts, etc.)
Atlanta Track Club is a member organization of both the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) & USA Track & Field (USATF) and adheres to the guidelines and rules of competition in the events Atlanta Track Club conducts & provides.
Course time limit:
- 5K: 1 hour and 15 minutes (25 minute per mile pace)
For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, no pets, or wheeled conveyances of any kind, including baby joggers/strollers, roller/inline skates, and bicycles, are permitted on the course. Headphones are strongly discouraged.
logo, company name
a red and black logo
a red and white sign
a black and white logo